Dom's life revolves around cars and baseball until a chance connection to a high school audition hands him a major role in a psychological thriller. This would be exciting enough, except that real
Dom's life revolves around cars and baseball until a chance connection to a high school audition hands him a major role in a psychological thriller. This would be exciting enough, except that real life begins to shadow the script in a very creepy way as an elusive girl and a local murder draw Dom out of his otherwise quiet shell. With a nod to Frederick Knott's famous play "Wait Until Dark" and its subsequent film, this book has it all - drama, mystery, thrills aplenty, and contemporary teen humour.
David A. Poulsen has been a broadcaster; teacher; football coach; rodeo competitor; stage and film actor; and — through it all — a writer. He is the author of 27 books, and now approaching 3000 school visits as a visiting author/presenter. He lives on a small ranch a couple of hours south of Calgary, Alberta.
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