When Dawg's busy family ignores his pleas for a walk, he takes matters into his own paws and follows his nose on an adventure through the neighbourhood. Eventually his rumbly tummy reminds him where h
When Dawg's busy family ignores his pleas for a walk, he takes matters into his own paws and follows his nose on an adventure through the neighbourhood. Eventually his rumbly tummy reminds him where his food bowl dwells, as well as his frantic family who is searching for him in all the wrong places.
Marie Prins is an award-winning author of middle-grade fiction, who lives in a historic house in Northumberland County, Ontario. This is her debut picture book.
Leanne Franson is fluently bilingual and has worked on books in English and French, illustrating in total over 100 picture books, chapter books, and textbooks. She returned to Saskatchewan in 2012 with her teenage son Benn, where she draws and makes ceramics in her acreage studio near Martensville.
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